Book chapter
Forschungsvorhaben in Ankopplung an Large-Scale Assessments [Research projects related to large-scale assessments] , BMBF, 2016, pp. 48-62
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Niepel, C., Rudolph, J., Goldhammer, F., & Greiff, S. (2016). Die Rolle transversaler Kompetenzen für schulisches Lernen. Das Beispiel des komplexen Problemlösens [The role of transversal competencies for learning in school. The example of complex problem solving]. In BMBF (Ed.) (pp. 48–62).
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Niepel, C., J. Rudolph, F. Goldhammer, and S. Greiff. “Die Rolle Transversaler Kompetenzen Für Schulisches Lernen. Das Beispiel Des Komplexen Problemlösens [The Role of Transversal Competencies for Learning in School. The Example of Complex Problem Solving].” In , edited by BMBF, 48–62. Forschungsvorhaben in Ankopplung an Large-Scale Assessments [Research projects related to large-scale assessments] , 2016.
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Niepel, C., et al. Die Rolle Transversaler Kompetenzen Für Schulisches Lernen. Das Beispiel Des Komplexen Problemlösens [The Role of Transversal Competencies for Learning in School. The Example of Complex Problem Solving]. Edited by BMBF, 2016, pp. 48–62.
BibTeX Click to copy
title = {Die Rolle transversaler Kompetenzen für schulisches Lernen. Das Beispiel des komplexen Problemlösens [The role of transversal competencies for learning in school. The example of complex problem solving]},
year = {2016},
pages = {48-62},
series = {Forschungsvorhaben in Ankopplung an Large-Scale Assessments [Research projects related to large-scale assessments] },
author = {Niepel, C. and Rudolph, J. and Goldhammer, F. and Greiff, S.},
editor = {BMBF}